
In 2010, we expanded from one Sunday service to two, which continues to this day. We hold weekly events for junior high and high school students on Tuesday nights, bible and theology classes on Wednesday nights, and elementary-age bible clubs on Friday nights. Our men’s and women’s groups meet seasonally throughout the year. One of our most important ministries is a full-time, year-round preschool and day care center that serves working families in the area.


In addition, Del Rey Church blesses the local community in many ways. We offer our facilities free of charge to several local organizations, such as Westchester Del Rey Little League, a local Girl Scout troop, National Charity League, Westchester Playa Del Rey Neighborhood Council, local music teachers holding recitals for their students, and others.


At the same time, the buildings that we have occupied since the early 1960s are starting to show their age. With our continued growth, we want to take into account both the opportunities with the people that the Lord brings to our doors, as well as the long-term needs of the congregation and the community for the next few generations.


In addition, Del Rey Church blesses the local community in many ways. We offer our facilities free of charge to several local organizations, such as Westchester Del Rey Little League, a local Girl Scout troop, National Charity League, Westchester Playa Del Rey Neighborhood Council, local music teachers holding recitals for their students, and others.